Our customers test Pnuma apparel every moment they’re in the field. And every customer is invited to send in their thoughts about Pnuma by completing a product review which is automatically sent after every online purchase. Reviews are read by Pnuma leadership and help us refine current products and develop new ones.
Alternatively, Pnuma offers an official Guide & Outfitter Program called Geared For The Guide, which was designed for hunting guides to partner with Pnuma to develop future hunting products. If accepted, you'll receive outfitter discounts on Pnuma gear and exclusive product release information in exchange for your honest feedback on the gear you put through the paces.
How do you apply?
- To be approved, you are required to have an active Pnuma Account associated with the application.
- Complete and submit your Guide & Outfitter Application.
- A copy of your registration, license and or website which includes your credentials may be required. Submitting these items with your application can speed up the process.
- Please allow 5 business days for our Internal Team to process your application.
Please understand that we vet all applicants very carefully, and as a result, we require proof of employment and a written agreement to abide by the program's guidelines. Should you be approved for the program, you will be asked to rejoin and provide current proof of employment annually.